Problem: The Register page and a Profile never appear
Solution: Wait up to 30 seconds.
If it still doesn't appear, check to see if your browser uses an ad blocker, especially "Ad Blocker Plus". Disabling this should fix the problem.
To disable this, check in your browser's "Preferences" or "Settings" and look for "add-ons" or "applications" or "plug-ins".
We have had difficulty reproducing this problem. If you have this problem, please try to fix it by disabling add-ons, one at a time, and then send an email to
Cause: We use something called an "IFrame" to bring the content from into the web page. This is also commonly used by advertisements.
Problem: Click on Register, enter your email address and a new password.
It displays a message:
An object with the same "username" already exist.
That email address is already in use
Solution: Click on "SIGN IN" instead of "REGISTER" (There's a "SIGN IN" link above, on the right, in the solid blue banner.)
Cause: The form seems to think you clicked twice. It accepts your email address and gives the message for the second click.
We apologize. This is a working prototype. After we secure funding, this will be a top priority. You can help by encouraging your friends to sign up, sending us a testamonial about your support, "LIKE"ing our Facebook page, as well as by donating.
Yes. Email Please include your operating systemm type and version, and your browser type and version. Please type "SUPPORT REQUEST" at the start of the subject line. is a working prototype- please try it and envision what it would be like if this were in common use. We have no funding so development has halted.
Currently we offer you a vision of the future and a taste of it. Please look at the How it Works page and the invitation, as well as the blog.
We're currently looking for cofounders (especially in marketing), partners and sponsors, as well as users. Please refer people to us! We'd especially like to find interested people in organizations who'd like their members to vote on issues, organizations such as political parties, special interest groups, and others with members, such as AARP.
We're also writing a book about the vision. Help with that is welcome as well.
In lieu of a sponsor, we can get financing once we have about 10,000 users. So please invite your friends to try