Summary of PeopleCount

What is PeopleCount

A "marketplace-like site" where voters find politicians and hold them accountable. Like a marketplace, it will be a site where a voter can communicate efficiently will all of their elected officials and challengers, saving politicians from needing to find voters. It is equipped with communication mechanisms that scale well, so all voters in a district or state can form a coherent voice to be heard by all voters and by politicians.

It disrupts expensive non-accountable campaigning. It will involve voters in politics, reach more voters, and allow much richer messages from politicians.

PeopleCount is a Benefit Corporation.' It's purpose is to benefit society while not being strictly non-profit. Revenue will be used to pay reasonable costs and salaries and expand into more levels of government. The exit strategy is to become a non-profit. It aims to be non-partisan, unbiased, and purpose-driven to serve all people.

Problems in Politics (really: symptoms)


Root Problem

The Solution

Why national?


These are all opportunities for breakthroughs!

Features for voters

Features for politicans

Benefits to Voters

Benefits to Politicians


All Candidates

For the winner/incumbent

Sales/Revenue Model

Note: All figures are just plans, at this point.

Pre-launch fundraising

How PeopleCount grows



Rand Strauss,

Copyright 2023, Randy Strauss, All Rights Reserved.