Donate using Dwolla

If you already use Dwolla, click here to donate to PeopleCount with Dwolla.

Dwolla allows you to pay directly from your checking account, and is cheaper than paying with other methods. It's free to send money or request payment, free to receive payments of $10 or less, and costs only 25 cents to receive larger amounts. Compare this to Paypal, below:


The downside of Dwolla is that you'll need your checking account information (routing number) to set up your account, and will need to verify it after a couple of days, and then you need to return here to use the link at the top to complete the donation. After your account is set up, paying or receiving payments with Dwolla is fast and easy.

  • Start here to set up your account, and both you and PeopleCount will get $10 towards any transaction charges (useful when people pay you.)
  • After creating your account, make sure you've set up a funding source (your checking account). Do this by logging in and clicking on their "Funding Sources" item on the left under "My dashboard".
  • In a couple of days you can inspect your checking account and see they deposited a few cents to your account. Log into Dwolla again and click on "Funding Sources" and to the right of your checking account, click on the "Verify" link to tell Dwolla how much they deposited.
  • Then you can donate to PeopleCount with Dwolla,

Donations are not tax-deductible. We are a California benefit corporation, so our explicit purpose is to benefit society, but we are not a 5013(c), not a charity, so donations are not tax deductible.

Please, if you set up your Dwolla account and they've fixed their set-up system to let you schedule the donation when you register, or add the funding source as part of the registration process, please let us know. (April 19, 2013).